Proudly serving clients and their loved ones from our Palm Coast and Ormond Beach offices.
Veteran’s Aid
Skilled Veteran's Aid Lawyer in Florida
Do I Qualify for Wartime Veteran's Benefits?
The wartime veteran's pension benefit is a tax-free payout to low-income veterans and their spouses. It's designed to provide financial assistance to veterans who served during specific wartime periods, even if they didn't see combat directly. Unfortunately, the eligibility and application process can be challenging for veterans and their families. Our legal team will guide you through the eligibility process to see if you qualify based on your service dates, length of service, discharge status, current health, and other factors to maximize your benefit amount.
Once we determine your eligibility, we will submit the necessary documentation to ensure you get the financial support you need. Don't undertake this time-consuming and frustrating process without the help of a skilled veteran's aid lawyer.
Supporting You On the Homefront
You require extra assistance when performing routine tasks, such as bathing, eating, or dressing.
You're suffering from an illness that requires you to spend most of the day in bed.
You've been placed in an assisted living facility or nursing home due to a physical or mental disability.
You have 5/200 eyesight or less in both eyes, even when wearing glasses or contacts, or your field of vision is five degrees or less.